Music pastor jobs, worship leader jobs, and pastor of worship openings -- MinistrySearch works!
Worship leaders, music ministers, and pastors of worship have an incredible opportunity to use music and the creative arts to lead a congregation in worship. The job of a worship leader is more than just managing special music schedules, picking music, or directing a choir. MinistrySearch exists to help you find a church that matches your music style and ministry passion.
To benefit fully from MinistrySearch, worship leaders should consider the following steps:
- Read the information provided here and from the MinistrySearch home page to get a feel for the site.
- Visit the "View Listings" page to scan the Opportunities Listed by churches and other organizations. Worship leaders and music ministers should feel free to respond to any listing for which they are qualified. A special music and worship category is provided.
- Complete the form provided on the "Add Opportunities" page to place an ad highlighting your interest and qualifications as a worship leader to the site's visitors -- regularly thousands weekly!
Return to our home page to request more information or start your search. Please let us know if we can help further.
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