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Helping You Find or Fill Church Jobs, Pastor Jobs and Other Ministry Jobs

MinistrySearch provides descriptions of available church jobs, such as senior pastor jobs, openings for a worship leader or youth pastor, and other church staffing positions.

We also feature ministry jobs outside the church, including those for the chaplain, Christian school educators, Christian camp staff and other Christian employment.

In addition, MinistrySearch helps available candidates by listing their bios, resumes, sample videos and pics. Our candidates are searching for pastor positions as well as other types of ministry employment. These individuals include pastors, together with Christian school teachers and administration, camp staff, chaplains, and other ministry-geared staff.

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"We had a great response and have hired the perfect candidate. We will definitely use your site again in the future."

church jobs, pastor jobs, ministry jobs, church staffing solutions

Additional Site Explanations
for search committees | for senior pastors | for youth pastors | for children's directors
for worship leaders | for chaplains | for Christian educators | for Christian camp staff

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